On Wed, 2004-11-24 at 20:31, Major Variola (ret) wrote:
> At 11:34 PM 11/21/04 -0800, Bill Stewart wrote:
> >Slsahdot reports that MSNBC reports http://msnbc.msn.com/id/6549265/
> >that there's a new video game "JFK Reloaded"
> http://www.jfkreloaded.com/start/
> I'm waiting for Grand Theft Auto IV, Drunk Over the Bridge With the
> Secretary variant.  Wonder what Teddie will say about that one.
> Oswald saved the world from nuclear conflict, thank the gods he
> offed the sex & drug crazed toothy one as soon as he (et al :-) did.
> And a hell of a shot as well.   Gotta respect that, with a bolt-action,
> no less.

A piece-of-shit boltie. I don't believe the official story, myself.

Huh. Just realized, now that I'm spouting conspiracy theories I must
finally be a real cpunks list member.

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