

Z1 SecureMail Gateway 2.1 Checks Certificates In Real-Time
Posted on 26 November 2004 | Other Zertificon Solutions releases at HNS

E-mail security solution enhanced with online protocol and monitoring in
new release

Zertificon Solutions just released version 2.1 of the Z1 SecureMail
Gateway. The so called "virtual admin office" protects corporate e-mail
traffic with centralized cryptography and electronic signature from being
manipulated and spied out. The server-based solution contains a certificate
management that now also supports the OCSP protocol. This enhancement
enables verification of external certificates in real-time and is an
increase of the security level.

 The Online Certificate Service Protocol (OCSP) is the emerging standard
for the validation of certificates at trust centers. With the disposal of
OCSP the common use of steadily growing Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs)
and databases with expired certificates obsolete. This new way of
certificate validation is faster, every time up-to-date and receives a
security level which could not be achieved by manual verification by the PC

 Version 2.1 of the Z1 SecureMail Gateway now also contains a statistic
module that e.g. shows how many e-mail messages went in and out, how many
of them were encrypted and / or signed, which standard was used (PGP or

 Thus the statistic module monitors the increasing use of central
encryption and electronic signature. Free and unlimited test version 2.1 is
available on the companies website.

 About Zertificon Solutions:

 The Berlin/Germany based specialist develops software and solutions for
secure electronic business processes and communication. Zertificon
Solutions markets security software which aim on a superior convenience in
administration through qualified reseller or consultants and within

 The core product, Z1 SecureMail Gateway, protects the complete e-mail
traffic of an organization via server-based encryption and electronic
signature. The company offers security services for IT systems like system
integration, software development and consulting within its competence
areas "Secure eMail", PKI & SmartCards and Open-Source Security.

R. A. Hettinga <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <http://www.ibuc.com/>
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
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[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
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