At 10:08 AM 11/29/04 -0500, Trei, Peter wrote:
>Steve Furlong wrote:
>> Major Variola (ret) wrote:
>> > Bill Stewart wrote:
>> > >Slsahdot reports that MSNBC reports
>> > >that there's a new video game "JFK Reloaded"
>> >
>> >
>> > I'm waiting for Grand Theft Auto IV, Drunk Over the Bridge With the

>> > Secretary variant.  Wonder what Teddie will say about that one.
>> >
>> > Oswald saved the world from nuclear conflict, thank the gods he
>> > offed the sex & drug crazed toothy one as soon as he (et al :-)
>> >
>> > And a hell of a shot as well.   Gotta respect that, with a
>> bolt-action,
>> > no less.
>> A piece-of-shit boltie. I don't believe the official story, myself.
>Hitting at a upper-body sized target at less than 90 yards,
>using a scoped rifle, is about as difficult shooting fish in a
>barrel. The slow steady movement of the car makes it
>slightly more interesting, but hardly challenging to a
>decent marksman.

True nuff.  I recently fired up M$ FS '98, and on my first attempt was
able to Atta the WTC in a 747-300, whereas a more nimble plane
was too responsive to my commands and stalled, spiralled, etc.

And I could cycle my 7.52x54R bolt-action in under a second on my
first try, but again, grace under pressure is cool.

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