> Bring em on, oops, they are here already. Darn, it wasn't
> the commies and nazis who were the threat, it was your
> indolent life-style paid for by your swell-paid, smarter wife, 
> up to women-empowered thieving the marketplace and 
> making innumerable enemies for you to blame for your 
> swelling brain fat-globules.
> Pray the draft is women-empowered so there's no need
> to shanghai the overaged, over-decrepit, over-funny-loving,
> inbred-feeders, pray for the Condies and the Maggies to 
> fight the gameboy-dreamy battles, really face-to-face,
> not just stomp-hoof the youngsters into hell for a face-save
> the empire.

Won't someone please slip a healthy dose of haloperidol into
JYA's food?

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