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Liquidnet is successfully redefining institutional trading.

Launched in April 2001, Liquidnet was built exclusively for institutional
trading. After only three years, we are now ranked as one of the top 14
largest NYSE institutional brokers and the 15th largest NASDAQ broker*
respectively. The Liquidnet global community has grown to represent more
than $6.8 trillion in equity assets under management.

Liquidnet's unique model brings natural buyers and sellers together and
enables them to anonymously negotiate trades among each other, without
intermediaries or information leaks. Liquidnet's institutional Members
trade large blocks of small-, mid- and large-cap stocks easily, efficiently
and with little to no market impact costs. The result is the
industry-leading average execution size of more than 42,000 shares since
inception, with 50% of all executions done at the mid-point and 92% done
within the spread.

 Liquidnet, Inc. is a registered broker/dealer, headquartered in New York
City. Liquidnet Europe Limited is regulated by the Financial Services
Authority and is headquartered in London.

* Based on Plexus Group analysis (03Q3 - 04Q2)
 November 29, 1999
Liquidnet Holdings, Inc. founded

January 10, 2000
Liquidnet, Inc. founded

April 10, 2001
Liquidnet launches in the United States with 38 Member firms

April 16, 2001
Liquidnet completes first week of trading with an average execution size of

June 12, 2001
Liquidnet Europe Ltd. founded

October 23, 2001
Liquidnet executes its 500-millionth share

March 8, 2002
Liquidnet signs first European Member

April 4, 2002
Liquidnet executes its one-billionth share

June 3, 2002
100th Member firm goes live

August 2002
Liquidnet recognized by Plexus Group as one of the largest institutional
brokers for NYSE-listed stocks

November 2002
 Liquidnet recognized by Plexus Group as one of the largest institutional
brokers for NASDAQ stocks

November 20, 2002
 Liquidnet Europe launches, providing fund managers with access to six
global markets - UK, French, German, Swiss, Dutch and US

 December 31, 2002
 Liquidnet ends year with 136 live Members and completes strongest quarter
to date, executing 426 million shares

January 30, 2003
 Liquidnet executes its two-billionth share

October 14, 2003
 Liquidnet executes its largest single US equities trade to date -- 2.83
million shares.

November, 2003
 Liquidnet ranked as the 5th and 10th least expensive trading venue for
NYSE and Nasdaq stocks, respectively, by Elkins/McSherry.

 December 16, 2003
 Value traded in Liquidnet since inception reaches $100 billion.

 December 22, 2003
 Liquidnet breaks its single day record for US volume, executing nearly
29.5 million shares.

 January, 2004
 Liquidnet ranked as one of the Top 20 largest NYSE brokers in the Plexus
Group universe of 1,500 brokers.

 January 21, 2004

July 29, 2004

October 21, 2004


Liquidnet breaks its single day record for US volume, executing more than
30 million shares.

 Liquidnet brings anonymous block trading to Canada

Liquidnet Honored as the 5th Fastest Growing Private Company in America by
INC. MAGAZINE and THE fastest growing private Financial Services company.



R. A. Hettinga <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <http://www.ibuc.com/>
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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