On 10 Dec 2004 at 6:53, Major Variola (ret) wrote:
> Name a place which is not subject to US juridiction?   Ok, 
> Iran, N Kr, until we pull a regime change (tm) on them. Yeah, 
> they have a lot of 'net bandwidth, right.

If Afghanistan was subject to US jurisdiction, it would not 
have a bumper opium crop.  If Saudi Arabia was subject to US 
jurisdiction, they would not be funding terrorism. If Israel
was subject to US jurisdiction, they would be less cavalier
about murdering American trouble makers.

The reason that taliban caught in Afghanistan, and people with 
the wrong accent caught in Afghanistan, tend to wind up in 
Guantanamo Bay is not because Afghan warlords are taking orders 
from US overlords, it is because Afghan warlords are fighting a 
holy war against the same people who are our enemies.

Similarly Sistani is busily subverting the US favored parties 
in Iraq, at the same time he is busily subverting US enemies in 
Iran.   He has his own agenda, which on some matters agrees 
with the US agenda, and others contradicts the US agenda. 

         James A. Donald

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