At 02:47 PM 12/9/04 -0500, Tyler Durden wrote:
>Oh, general cluelessness doesn't suprise me. What suprises me is that
>writer of the original article seemed to believe that Stego was a new

The high-level pigs try to introduce this hysteria-generator
The dumb typists eat what they're fed.

Eventually it reaches critical mass in Joe Sixpacks and Tipper Gore
comes out whining about the chiiildren.  This is the intent of the high
level pigs.

Psyops ain't just for the (overt) military you know...

Stego rules for a safer tomorrow:
1. Always use original carrier image/sounds/whatever
2. Generally broadcasting (eg eBay) is best, recipients should
download lots of similar carriers
3. Keep S/N low so detection is problematic
4. Wardrive injection/download is best
5. Keep your tools on your flash drive not your HD

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