----- Forwarded message from Ken Meltsner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

From: Ken Meltsner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2005 16:32:36 -0600
To: FoRK <fork@xent.com>
Subject: [FoRK] Hamachi "mediated" peer-to-peer sounds interesting

Basically, a way to get around NAT and other router issues for a
peer-to-peer system, mostly seamlessly integrated as a special network
driver.  Systems connect to a back end server which relays traffic
between peers on named private networks.  Sort of P2P meets VPN -- if
they added HTTPS tunneling, it would run through nearly any corporate
firewall/proxy server.

No magic, as far as I can tell, but apparently a decent piece of work.
 I like the named private network capability in principle.

Ken Meltsner

Excerpt from http://www.hamachi.cc/security showing a sound approach
(I think) to security, including public key exchange:

The Framework
A Hamachi system is comprised of backend servers and end-node peer
clients. Server nodes track client's locations and provide mediation
services required for establishing direct peer-to-peer tunnels between
client nodes.

When the client is activated, it establishes TCP connection to one of
the mediation servers and starts speaking Hamachi protocol to log
itself in and synchronize with other clients.

The rest of the document deals with security provisions of this
protocol, which ensure both privacy and authentication of
client-server and client-client communications.

Client Identity
A Hamachi client is identified by its Hamachi network addresses. The
address is assigned the first time the client connects to the
mediation servers and it stays the same for as long as client's
account exists in the system.

The client also generates an RSA key pair, which is used for
authentication purposes during login sequence. The public key is
passed to the server once - during the first connection when creating
new account.

To perform regular login, the client submits its identity and uses
private key to sign server's challange as described below. The server
verifies the signature and this authenticates the client.

Server Identity
Each Hamachi server owns an RSA keypair. The public key is distributed
with client's installation package and thus it is known to the client
prior to the first contact.

When the client connects to the server, it announces which identity he
expects the server to have. If the server has requested identity, the
login sequence commences. In the last message of this sequence the
server sends a signature of client's data and this confirms server's
identity to the client.

Message Security
The first thing that happens after the client connects to the server
is a key exchange. This exchange produces keying material used for
encrypting and authenticating all other protocol messages.

Messages are encrypted with symmetric cipher algorithm and
authenticated with MAC. Every message is also uniquely numbered to
prevent replay attacks.

Crypto Suite
Crypto suite specifies exact algorithms and their parameters used for
performing key exchange, key derivation and message encryption.

Default crypto suite is defined as follows - 
DH group - 2048-bit MODP group from RFC 3526

Message encryption - AES-256-CBC using ESP-style padding

Message authentication - 96-bit version of HMAC-SHA1 

Protocol Details
Client connects to the server and sends HELO message: 
HELO CryptoSuite ServerKfp Ni Gi

CryptoSuite is 1 for default crypto suite, ServerKfp is OpenSSH-style
fingerprint of expected server public key, Ni and Gi are client's
1024-bit nonce and public DH exponent.

If the server has a public key that matches ServerKfp, it replies with: 

where Nr and Gr are server's nonce and public DH exponent. 

At this point both server and client can compute shared DH secret and
generate keying material as follows -
KEYMAT = T1 | T2 | T3 | ...

T1 = prf (K, Ni | Nr | 0x01)
T2 = prf (K, T1 | Ni | Nr | 0x02)
T3 = prf (K, T2 | Ni | Nr | 0x03)

where K is a shared DH secret, and prf is HMAC-SHA1. 

All subsequent protocol messages are encrypted with the Ke key and
authenticated using the Ka key. Ke and Ka are taken from KEYMAT. In
case of default crypto suite Ke uses first 256 bits of KEYMAT, and Ka
- next 160 bits.

Message Protection
Prior to encrypting protocol message the sender pads it to the size of
cipher block (16 bytes with default crypto suite) using ESP padding.
The message is then encrypted and prepended with a message ID, which
is a monotonically increasing 32 bit number. As the last step HMAC is
generated over the whole message (ID and encrypted data), appended at
the end and the message is sent out.

Above message protection scheme is consistent with those employed by

The client logs into the system by sending AUTH message: 
AUTH Identity Signature(Ni | Nr | Gi | Gr, Kp_cli)

where Identity is client's 32-bit Hamachi address and Signature is a
concatenation of nonces and public DH exponents encrypted with
client's private key.

The server uses Id to locate client's account, obtains its public key
and verifies the signature. If the signature is correct, the server
replies with:
AUTH OK Signature(Nr | Ni | Gr | Gi, Kp_srv)

where Signature is created using server's private key that matches
ServerKfp from HELO message.

Peer to peer traffic
When two Hamachi clients start talking to each other, they employ the
same message protection as when talking to the server.

Currently clients do not perform the key exchange of their own, they
use keying material provided by the server instead. This keying
mechanism is used on temporary basis and will only be available during
beta testing.

The production release will have clients obtaining KEYMAT through
their own key exchange using each other's RSA keys for authentication.
FoRK mailing list

----- End forwarded message -----
Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org";>leitl</a>
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