

I hereby request your investment assistance 
confidentially and further explicit investment 
information about your country confidentially. I need 
you to read this email message carefully because it is 
very imperative. 

I am Prince Hassan F. Bolkiah, the eldest son of Prince 
Jefri Bolkiah who was the former Finance Minister of 
Brunei, located in the northwest of the 
island of Borneo. Brunei Darussalam is a small country 
governed according 
to Islamic values and traditions by His Majesty Sultan 
Haji Hassanal Bolkiah 
Mu izzaddin Waddaulah. 

The country's official name is Negara Brunei 
Darussalam (abode of peace). 
It is a member of APEC, ASEAN and BIMP-EAGA as well as 
the United 
Nations and the British Commonwealth. 

I will save your time by not amplifying my extended 
Royal Family history 
which has already been disseminated by the 
international media during 
the controversial dispute that erupted between my 
father and his 
stepbrother, the sultan of Brunei Sheik Muda Hassanal 

As you may know from the international media, the 
sultan had accused my 
father of financial mismanagement and impropriety of 
US$16.8 Billion. This 
was as a result of the Asian financial crisis that 
made my father company 
Amedeo Development Company and government owned Brunei 

Investment Agency to be declared bankrupt during his 
tenure in office. 

Prince Jefri was relieved of his post as Finance 
Minister of Brunei and was 
stripped of his chairmanship post as head of the 
nations international 
investment arm, the Brunei Investment Agency in 
February 1998. The 
Agency controls 13 companies & Bruneis overseas 
assets. In July 1998 the 
Sultan barred trading by Amedeo when the worlds 
biggest corporate debt 
of US$16 Billion came to light. 

In September the 1998, the Sultan ordered an 
investigation of the BIA by 
accountants KPMG after the Brunei government alleged 
that large sums of 
money had been misappropriated to companies controlled 
by Prince Jefri. 

The Sultan then asked the Bank of England to help 
track down an alleged 
L28 Billion of state and family funds said to be 
missing. On the 02/10/1998 
Prince Jefri Bolkiah flew from London in a private jet 
and was going to 
settle matters directly with Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah. 

Prince Jefri drove straight to his seaside palace at 
Jerudong, about 10 
miles south of the capital, Bandar Seri Begawan. He 
was due to meet with 
officials of the Amedeo Development Corporation and 
visit the sultan. 

Relations between the Royals appeared to deteriorate 
quickly. However, 
my father was kept under house arrest, his bank 
accounts and private 
properties including a crude oil export refinery & the 
sultan also strip my 
father of control over three large oil wells which 
were later confiscated by 
the sultanate. 

Furthermore, during this unfortunate period i was 
advised to evacuate my 
immediate family outside the sultanate to avoid 
further prosecution from 
the sultan and his security operatives, but before I 
could do that I was 
placed under house arrest by, the Sultan. I have a 
Palm V hand-held 
computer from which I am sending you this mail. 

You could get through these below listed websites for 
more references:- 

Before my arrest, I went ahead to dispatch the sum of 
US$270 Million in 
cash under special arrangement into the custody of 
different Private 
Security and Trustee Companies for safe keeping 
abroad. The money 
where splitted and kept in the following countries in 
this proportion: US$50 
Million is in England, US$70 Million is in Spain, 
US$40 Million is in Saudi 
Arabia, US$35 Million is in United Arab Emirate and 
the balance US$75 
Million is in Malaysia. 

I am unable to reach my friends & associates whom 
would have provided 
all the much needed moral and financial assistance i 
require because my 
diary have being siezed by my uncle Sheik Muda 
Hassanal Bolkiah who is 
also the Sultan of Brunei. Hence, I seek your good 
assistance to receive 
and invest these funds into profitable investment in 
your country to 
facilitate future survival for my family abroad. I 
will compensate adequately 
for your strong cooperation. 

I am counting on your absolute confidentiality and 
transparency while 
looking forward to your prompt reply towards a swift 
conclusion of this 
business transaction. 

Please you can include your direct Mobile phone number 
why replying. My 
alternative email addresses are 
below:[EMAIL PROTECTED] direct all 
correspondence to this mail address correctly.([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 

May Godīs blessing remain with you & guide on the 
straight path, Amin. 

Warm personal regards, 

Prince Hassan F. Bolkiah, 
Brunei Darussalam. 

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