Well, I didn't say it would be easy. We'd definitely need to split up into teams...one to handle the alarm systems, one to handle the landmines, one to somehow fend off May's bullets. And then, even if we somehow capture May, I'd bet he's got all sorts of dead-man stuff like poison gas and whatnot. It'd be like a big game of D&D, not that any Cypehrpunk knows what THAT is!

And yeah, there's a good chance someone's not gonna make it. But think of it like this: Those genes were slowing down our species anyway.

The only problem is, what do we do once we're in? Throw a big-ass drinking, whoring Shriners-like party? (I say we need a bevvy of black hookers.) Break into May's survivalist supplies?

Oh, and we DEFINITELY need video.


From: joe cypherpunk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Team Building?? WIMPS!! Re: RSA Conference, and BA Cypherpunks
Date: Wed, 09 Feb 2005 17:36:13 -0800

Not unless you wish to meet YahWah , Allah, Jesus,Buddha(pick your favorite deity!) early :)

Tim is a  VERY GOOD shot and the property is watched and alarmed.

so My opinion Tyler? Feel free to win Darwins Award!!..

    A cypherpunk

ps. Tim has an Excellent Taxidermist, Your pelt and head will be displayed in grand fashion:)

BTW a spell checker would be a good gift to yourself(think about thunderbird)

ie "Cypherpunk 'team-building' excersize? "

psps let me know when you plan to try so I can shoot live video of the Firefight, should be worth at least 1k to the local TV stations :)

also think about a vest of tubes of tannerite(exploding targets), that way when Tim scores, the viewers of the video will know you have been hit!!

think of it as evolution in action

Tyler Durden wrote:

How 'bout laying siege to May's compound as a Cypherpunk 'team-building' excersize?


From: "J.A. Terranson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Trei, Peter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CC: [EMAIL PROTECTED], cryptography@metzdowd.com
Subject: Re: RSA Conference, and BA Cypherpunks
Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2005 17:19:30 -0600 (CST)

On Mon, 7 Feb 2005, Trei, Peter wrote:

> Once again, the RSA Conference is upon us, and many of the
> corrospondents on these lists will be in San Francisco. I'd like to
> see if anyone is interested in getting together. We've done this
> before.

Yeah, but can we eat food, drink beer, shoot drugs and screw expensive
hookers at Tim May's "compound"?

-- Yours,

J.A. Terranson

"Quadriplegics think before they write stupid pointless
shit...because they have to type everything with their noses."


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