----- Forwarded message from jrandom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

From: jrandom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2005 03:39:24 -0800
Subject: [i2p] 0.5 is available

Hash: SHA1

Hi y'all,

After 6 months of work on the 0.4 series, we've implemented and
deployed the new streaming library, integrated and tested bittorrent,
mail, and naming apps, fixed a bunch of bugs, and learned as much as
we could from real world users.  We now have a new 0.5 release which
reworks the tunnel routing algorithms, improving security and
anonymity while giving the user more control of their own
performance related tradeoffs.  In addition, we've bundled susi23's
susimail client, upgraded to the latest Jetty (allowing both symlinks
and CGI), and a whole lot more.  This new release is not backwards
compatible - you must upgrade to get anything useful done.

There has been a lot of work going on since a month and a
half ago, with contributions by smeghead, duck, Jhor, cervantes,
Ragnarok, Sugadude, and the rest of the rabid testers in #i2p and
#i2p-chat.  I could write for pages describing whats up, but instead
I'll just direct you to the change log at

For the impatient, please review the install and update instructions
up at http://www.i2p.net/download

Please note that since this new release updates the classpath, the
update process will require you to start up the router again after
it finishes.  Any local modifications to the wrapper.config will
be lost when updating, so please be sure to back it up.  In
addition, even though this new release includes the latest Jetty
(5.1.2), if you want to enable CGI support, you will need to edit
your ./eepsite/jetty.xml to include:

  <Call name="addContext">
    <Set name="ResourceBase">./eepsite/cgi-bin</Set>
    <Call name="addServlet">
      <Arg>Common Gateway Interface</Arg>
     <Put name="Path">/usr/local/bin:/usr/ucb:/bin:/usr/bin</Put>

adjusting the Path as necessary for your OS/distro/tastes.  New
users have it easy - all of this is done for them.

While the docs on the website haven't been updated to reflect the new
tunnel routing and crypto changes yet, the nitty gritty is up at

There will be another release in the 0.5 series beyond this one,
including more options for allowing the user to control the impact
of predecessor attacks on their anonymity.  There will certainly be
performance and load balancing improvements as well, using the
feedback we get deploying the new tunnel code on a wider network.

Until the UDP transport is added in 0.6, we will want to continue to
be fairly low key, as we've already run into the default limits on
some braindead OSes (*cough*98*cough*).  There is much we can improve
upon while the network is small though, and while I know we all want
to go out and show the world what I2P can do, another two months
waiting won't hurt.

Anyway, thats that.  The new net is up and running, squid.i2p and
other services should be up, you know where to get the goods, so
get goin'!

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i2p mailing list

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Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org";>leitl</a>
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