Ah. You meant as a principal in general. Of course the prevailing wisdom is to go from FPGAs to ASICs when you have heavy tasks.

In Telecom equipment, however, there's a few issues that basically 'require' FPGAs.

First, the standards change quite a bit, depending on which area you're in. For instance, RPR didn't really get settled until very recently. Second, your customers may ask for "more" or different kinds of functionality, so you may have a new release of firmware to address that. Putting the framing and/or PM on an FPGA while keeping the guts (eg, packet processing) on the main ASIC/processor allows you to swap out the trivial without a major heart transplant.

In addition, there's probably the far more important issue of design cycle times. ASICs will take (at the very minimum) 18 months to create, and if you make a mistake early on and don't catch, you have to start all over again. For some fields that's just unacceptable.

Then again, if you're looking for sheer, brute performance and design cycle times are not a limiting factor, ASICs are often the way to go. Even in a Variola Suitcase, however, I'd bet some of the trivial functions are off-loaded to an FPGA, though, for reasons above.


From: "Riad S. Wahby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SHA1 broken?
Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2005 13:26:48 -0600

Tyler Durden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, maybe I misunderstand your statement here, but in Telecom most heavy
> iron has plenty of FPGAs, and as far as I understand it, they more or less
> have to.

Have to in what sense?  If they're constantly reconfiguring the FPGAs
(new software revs, or some sort of evolutionary "learning" process---
the latter not likely in telecom, of course), sure, they have  to be on
reprogrammable structures.

If, on the other hand, you're building a custom hash cracking machine,
you don't need to reconfigure your gates. You could design your
parallelized SHA1 cracking machine and dump it onto a bunch of FPGAs,
but if you really have unlimited resources you take the plunge into
ASICs, at which point you can tighten your timing substantially.

Riad S. Wahby

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