Public comments due June 3rd.

>From the Summary:
"The Federal Election Commission requests comments on proposed
changes to its rules that would include paid advertisements on the
Internet in the definition of ``public communication.'' These changes
to the Commission's rules would implement the recent decision of the
U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia in Shays v. Federal
Election Commission, which held that the current definition of ``public
communication'' impermissibly excludes all Internet communications.
Comment is also sought on the related definition of ``generic campaign
activity'' and on proposed changes to the disclaimer regulations.
Additionally, comment is sought on proposed new exceptions to the
definitions of ``contribution'' and ``expenditure'' for certain
Internet activities and communications that would qualify as individual
volunteer activity or that would qualify for the ``press exemption.''
These proposals are intended to ensure that political committees
properly finance and disclose their Internet communications, without
impeding individual citizens from using the Internet to speak freely
regarding candidates and elections. The Commission has made no final
decision on the issues raised in this rulemaking. Further information
appears in the supplementary information that follows."

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