Sarad writes:
If you remember D.E Knuth's book on Semi-Numerical
Algorithms he shows some annoying subsequences of pi
in it which are far from random.

I don't have Knuth's book handy to look at, but it's not really correct to speak of a particular sequence or subsequence of digits as being random or non-random. For example, is this sequence of bits random: 01100100010? How about this one: 0000000000? From a true random number generator, both are completely possible and equally valid.

(Furthermore, I would contend that the digits of pi are *non-random* by

--- cypherpunk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This doesn't really make sense. Either the digits
> are random or they
> are not. You can't be a little bit random. Well, you
> can be, but the
> point is that you either pass the test or you don't.
> The bottom line is still that either an RNG passes
> the tests
> acceptably or it does not. From what they say (or
> don't say), pi does
> pass. It doesn't make sense to say that other RNGs
> do better.

One can only do statistical analyses of sequences of digits to determine whether they *appear* to have a uniform distribution of individual digits and subsequences.

Of course the result of such a test (positive *or* negative) doesn't positively confirm
whether a given digit source is truly random.

Wikipedia has a good article on randomness:


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