Posted by: timothy, on 2005-05-08 09:47:00

   from the no-sir-that's-not-at-all-disturbing-no-sir dept.
   johnthorensen writes "Looks like parts of London [1]may be seeing
   wireless microphones on the street sometime soon. At this point,
   they're looking to use them to monitor noise ordinance violations - if
   you call about a repeated disturbance, they'll mount one by your place
   to monitor noise levels for the next several days. The article also
   notes that they intend to locate them more permanently outside bars
   and nightclubs. The microphones apparently communicate via wireless
   Internet connection, although no real details are given as to the
   nature of said connection. Are London residents getting the boiled
   frog treatment?"



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Microphones to catch noisy neighbours
By Mark Prigg, Science Correspondent, Evening Standard
3 May 2005

Noisy neighbours have become a scourge of modern life, resulting in stress,
sleepless nights and even violence.

Now Westminster Council hopes a new wireless microphone could help tackle the

It plans to attach the device to lamp posts outside houses, allowing
inspectors to monitor sound levels. If neighbours make too much noise,
council officials will

“This could make a really big difference to cutting down on noise,”
said Steve Harrison of Westminster Council.

“At the moment the problem is that by the time a noise protection officer
arrives on the scene, the noise may have stopped.

“Using the new system, we can leave a monitor in an area for several
days. The idea is that we can pre-empt people having to call us — if the
monitor hears a disturbance it lets us know.” Mr Harrison added that the
microphones were also going to be placed outside bars and clubs to monitor
noise levels and any disturbances.

The microphones, which communicate via an internet connection, will be
attached to lamp posts across Soho to test the system for the next few

“Eventually this wireless network will cover the whole of Westminster and
be used by workers wherever they are,” said Mr Harrison.

“Noise monitoring and CCTV are just two of the initial applications, and
the great advantage is that we can move these sensors to wherever they are

Westminster operates a 24-hour noise helpline with a team of inspectors who
can issue onthespot fines to offenders. But inspectors had to be in the right
placeat the right time for this method to work, said Mr Harrison.

Anti-noise groups today welcomed the initiative. “This is potentially a
big step forward and really could help,” said Mary Stevens of the
National Society for Clean Air and Environmental Protection (NSCA). “In a
city like London noise is a real problem, and is making people’s lives

“Wooden floors, dogs and music all contribute, and over time it can
really affect people. It starts out with a lack of sleep, but can lead to
retaliation attacks and serious health problems.”

Nearly a third of people in Britain are annoyed by noisy neighbours, and for
14 per cent it has an impact on quality of life, recent research found.

Ms Stevens advised people to approach the offenders first. “It’s
obviously a delicate situation, but the majority of problems can be solved by
simplytalking to the offender,” she says. “If that fails, call the
local authorities.”

According to the NSCA, the top five noise complaints are loud music, alarms,
dogs barking, fireworks and hard flooring.

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