On 5/18/05, Bill Stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> http://nytimes.com/2005/05/18/technology/18data.html?hp&ex=1116475200&en=7f0572052438ec3b&ei=5094&partner=homepage
> Good NYTimes article on privacy, identity theft, and
> easy correlation of data in public records.
> Usual Suspect Professor Avi Rubin at Johns Hopkins
> has his grad students demonstrating things you can find out.
> Betty Ostergren's "Virginia Watchdog" website
> http://www.opcva.com/watchdog/
> reinforces complaints about public records privacy
> by outing the records of public officials to make her points to them.
> [NYTimes articles usually require free registration;
> I'm not sure if there's currently a "cypherpunks" userID there,
> but I think some of the strings following the ? in the URL
> indicate that you don't need registration if you use this URL..]

there is also 'bugmenot.com', last time i tried it took about the 16th
ID, but it worked.

-- Michael

>                 Bill Stewart

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