Title: optometrist relish privy

So we sit in the ER while they prepare to admit me. The doc is pumping saline solution thru that IV and to tell you the truth I can not use the restroom without standing up. I am also scared of needles, enough so that now that the IV is in my arm I am very unhappy because they hook it up to the bed. To me that is like chaining me to a wall, don;t like it never will. Several hours pass and they finally get me to my room. It is a semi private BUT at the moment I am the only one in it...Cool I can handle that and hope they do not admit anyone else.2Can I let you in on a secret? Don't misunderstand me, I like video games. I like the palmtop Nintendo I got for my birthday and the Zelda game I got for Christmas. Because I only own two games and I have many hobbies and interests, Nintendo gets a mere fraction of my! time. But like any stimulant, some people are bound to become addicted. Especially those with addictive personalities. Like my boyfriend and the online role playing game World of Warcraft, similar to the infamous EverQuest. He plays for hours. Not two or three, but ten or twelve sometimes taking breaks only when he's at risk of soiling his seat. While I prefer Warcraft over alcohol as my sweetie's main vice, I can't help feeling like I've still lost him to an addiction. Most current harm reduction models in drug and alcohol counselling suggest that instead of removing the behaviour in question, try doing it less. And to determine the severity or actual existence of an addiction, assess whether or not it affects the person's ability to work, socialize, eat, exercise, pay bills - basically their capacity to perform the daily activities that qualify as necessary. Call it a gut feeling, but I think that an addition is still present and harmful even if it hasn't destroyed one o! r more lives yet. 6

So I get thru the "Golyte" next morning I am taken down for the two procedures. I remember going into this small room, a nurse sprays something down my throat they say to stop my gag reflex at the same the doctor is putting something in my IV to make me sleepy. Awake up an hour later to see my wife crying. I knew what was wrong my throat and stomach were OK. It was my colon They had found a tumor and according to the doc it was cancer. He said a surgeon would be contacting us to discuss our options.3Enjoy a better love life for both you and your partner.
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partook Vibrating tickler stimulates her externally, The surgeon contacted us and asked what we wanted to do and when, our response was to cut it out and ASAP. Problem was there was no OR time at the hospital we were at, BUT the doc had privileges at several hospitals in town and wanted to know if we minded transferring hospitals...uhhh heck no!... He got us in and transferred us, I saw him about 10pm Monday night. Tuesday morning were in OR prep waiting to go under the knife. Now if you have never been into an operating room while still conscious it is a scary thing. They wheeled me into the OR, I saw all these shiny and sharp instruments and was ready to go home. Thank goodness they knocked me out.4hitting the RIGHT spot
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Officials say the area received up to 12 inches of rain during a four-to-five hour period.3


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