The real reason is that they can't tap Skype.

Posted by: Zonk, on 2005-09-09 23:37:00

   from the no-freebies dept.
   [1]Retrospeak writes "According to a Reuters report [2]China is
   starting to block Skype service in Shenzhen, an affluent southern city
   of China. Local Chinese media report that China Telecom has plans to
   eventually block the service throughout its coverage area nationwide.
   Could this have something to do with the fact that China Telecom
   charges close to $1 per minute for calls to United States and Europe?"
   From the article: " A China Telecom spokesman had no comment on the
   reports about the Shenzhen blockage, but gave a broader view. 'Under
   the current relevant laws and regulations of China, PC-to-phone
   services are strictly regulated and only China Telecom and (the
   nation's other fixed-line carrier) China Netcom are permitted to carry
   out some trials on a very limited basis,' he said."


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