Part of the problem is using a packet-switched network; if we had
circuit-based, then thwarting traffic analysis is easy; you just fill
the link with random garbage when not transmitting packets.  I
considered doing this with SLIP back before broadband (back when my
friend was my ISP).  There are two problems with this; one, getting
enough random data, and two, distinguishing the padding from the real
data in a computationally efficient manner on the remote side without
giving away anything to someone analyzing your traffic.  I guess both
problems could be solved
by using synchronized PRNGs on both ends to generate the chaff.  The
two sides getting desynchronzied would be problematic.  Please CC me
with any ideas you might have on doing something like this, perhaps it
will become useful again one day.

On packet-switched networks, running full speed all the time is not
very efficient nor is it very friendly to your neighbors.  Again, if
you have any ideas on how to deal with this, email me.

Many of the anonymity protocols require multiple participants, and
thus are subject to what economists call "network externalities".  The
best example I can think of is Microsoft Office file formats.  I don't
buy MS Office because it's the best software at creating documents,
but I have to buy it because the person in HR insists on making our
timecards in Excel format.  In this case, the fact that the HR person
(a third party to the transaction) is using it forces me to buy it
from Microsoft.  Similarly, the more people use digital cash, the more
likely I am to decide to use it.  The more Tor nodes we have, the more
high speed and close nodes there will be, and the more enjoyable the
experience will be (assuming Tor is smart enough to use the close,
fast nodes).  For more information on network externalities, see the
book "Information Rules", available from Amazon for just over $4. 
Everyone working in IT or interested in computers should read that

Another issue involves the ease of use when switching between a
[slower] anonymous service and a fast non-anonymous service.  I have a
tool called metaprox on my website (see URL in sig) that allows you to
choose what proxies you use on a domain-by-domain basis.  Something
like this is essential if you want to be consistent about accessing
certain sites only through an anonymous proxy.  Short of that, perhaps
a Firefox plug-in that allows you to select proxies with a single
click would be useful.

It would be nice if the protocols allowed you to specify a chain of
proxies, but unfortunately HTTP only allows you to specify the next
hop, not a chain of hops. Perhaps someone could come up with an
encapsulation method and cooperative proxy server that is more like
the old cpunk remailers, using nested encrypted "envelopes" in the
body of the request.  Perhaps crowds or Tor already does this, I don't

Where anonymizing facilities fail are fairly obvious to anyone who has
used them, listed in descending order of importance:
ease of configuration (initial setup cost)
ease of use
locator services for peers or servers
network effects (not enough people using it)
efficient use of resources (see quote in sig about why this is the
least important)

There are some technical concerns limiting their security:
resistance to traffic analysis or trojaned software
ad-hoc systems for crypto key updates or revocation

I think one way to encourage adoption is to amortize the cost of setup
over a group of people.  For example, everyone who reads this could
set up a hardened co-loc box and install all the relevant software,
then charge their friends a small fee to use it.  An ISP could make
these services available to their customers.  An ASP could make them
available to customers over the web.  People could start creating
open-source Live! CD distributions* with all the software clients
installed and preconfigured (or configured easily through a
wizard-like set of menus invoked automatically at bootup).  With Live!
CDs in particular, you'd have a bit of a problem with generating
crypto keys since the RNG fires up in the same state for everyone, but
perhaps you could seed it by hashing the contents of a disk drive, or
the contents of memory-mapped hardware ROMs (e.g. ethernet MAC
address), network traffic, and/or with seed state persisted on a
removable USB drive.

[*] See

I don't see a distro specifically for anonymity; if you have friends
who want to create Yet Another Linux Distro, perhaps they could fill
this niche.  Two alternatives suggest themselves; a client distro for
end-users and a server distro for people with a machine that's not
doing anything.  You'd just pop in the CD and it announces its
availability to various locator services to act as a Tor, mixmaster,
or whatever node.  Again, keep me informed if anyone starts work on
--  -><-
"We already have enough fast, insecure systems." -- Schneier & Ferguson
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