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Americans Under Threat Just Want to Get Comfortable

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By: Tai Nicolopoulos

1 . Emotions in Focus: Individualism and the American Way



Americans have always placed a premium on individualism. As far back as the colonial period, writers like Alexis De Tocqueville in Democracy in America have characterized the country as a place where the ultimate dream is of comfort and prosperity for everyone, as well as personal freedom and spacious solitude. For a long time big cars traveling open highways leading to sprawling houses, punctuated by beautiful natural scenery have symbolized the American Dream. Today times have changed, and this vision of America has become untenable in the face of a growing population and evaporating natural resources. Nonetheless, people still love the spirit of this idea and revert to it in times of stress and threat.


In particular, one manifestation of this kind of behavior can be seen in a number of recent events. A behavior called “cocooning”, something sociologists say Americans do during times when there are high levels of threat and stress present in the societal atmosphere. Cocooning involves opting to spend more time at home, doing comforting activities either with immediate family and friends or alone. For example, after 9/11 people stayed at home more often, and more couples chose to have babies. After the dot com bust, people drank more beer and ate more burritos, rather than expensive wine and sit down restaurant meals. Now, people because of war, natural disaster, and political and economic uncertainty, cocooning, in some ways, is back.


At the same time as Americans are spending more time at home, or in other casual settings, their interest in athletic activities is also increasing. Consequently, Americans are also bringing the spirit of cocooning to their sporting activities. More people are getting into outdoors activities, and casual All-American pastimes, rather than going dancing at night clubs, or experimenting with unfamiliar athletic classes.


2. The Big Movers and Why

A recent big mover epitomizing this cocooning sports  trend is Wolverine World Wide (NYSE: WWW), a producer of work clothes, and athletic/sporting goods, including footwear, which went up 9.88% on October 5, 2005 on positive earnings news. According to Wolverine World Wide’s quarterly earnings report, especially profitable lines included Patagonia, Harley Davidson wear, and Hush Puppies and Merrell shoes. Not only was Wolverine World Wide able to tap into the all-American desire for wide open spaces and empty roads with back packing and motorcycling equipment, but also on the desire for a comfortable, casual life style. Patagonia and Merrell sports equipment and Harley Davidson shoes and outfits appealed to the desire for open spaces and solitary adventure, while items like Hush Puppies loafers and Patagonia fleeces appealed to the desire to spend the weekend at home with the kids.

3. How to Use the News

             As a general rule, investors cannot be highly successful in the retail and consumer goods sector without a firm grasp on popular culture. While many financial research firms and distributors and producers of consumer goods actually hire professional “trend spotters”, or “cool hunters”, the individual mostly requires a more general understanding of trends. Consider the basic fears, insecurities and wants present in society. Keep on top of the news, think about how the stories you read relate to these social issues, and determine how you think these factors will influence consumer trends and spending habits. From there, use your conclusions to help weigh your investment decisions.

4. Last Week in Media Sentiment

Recent correlations between's thumbs up / thumbs down recommendations for Heads Up™ rated companies and subsequent daily volume over the three month average show a strong relationship. The correlation between ratings for selected stocks and their volume the next day over the three month average is 100%. Therefore, this week, MediaSentiment™ gave an edge up to 100% to smart investors who used Heads Up™ recommendations to trade on volume!

     All figures reflect all MediaSentiment Heads Up™ recommendations for the week of October 3, 2005 through October 7, 2005, rating companies on the day of their quarterly earnings releases correlated with their stock highs, lows, closing prices and daily volumes for the subsequent day.

5. Links you can use



Taking Advantage of Trends: Cocooning


America Gets More Physical at Leisure




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