Title: Yahoo! Email Verification
Account Information

Do not reply to this message. If this account doesn't belong to you, please follow the instructions at the end of this email.

Verify Your Email Address

Please confirm that this is your email address. Click on the link below and then enter your Yahoo! password into the form.

Important! Please click here to verify this email address for your account.

Your Yahoo! ID: panidelnik
Your Email Address: cypherpunks@minder.net
Email verification helps make Yahoo! safer and more enjoyable for everyone.

If you can't click on the sentence labeled "Important!" above, you can also verify your email address by cutting and pasting (or typing) the following address into your browser:


For your records, your verification code is: da1d3c

  • Policies: Please remember that your use of Yahoo! products and services is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
  • Maintaining Your Account: Please update your email address whenever it changes so we can help with any account access issues. (You will be asked to sign in first.) Or, sign in to Yahoo!, go to Account Information, click the Edit button next to Member Information, and you will be able to change your alternate email address(es)."
  • Not Your Account?: If this email is in reference to a Yahoo! account not created or used by you, please click here.

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