On Tue, Dec 18, 2007 at 01:00:41PM +0000, David Carter wrote:
> Take a mailbox with 2 messages.
> Expunge the second message and then the first. "reconstruct -k" will 
> generate a mailbox where the second message appears in both cyrus.index and 
> cyrus.expunge. Not good, especially when cyrus_expire -X cuts in.

Wow, talk about your synchronicity.  They say that when you're having a
problem you should sleep on it and see if you have new ideas in the
morning.  Someone in another timezone independantly finding the issue
and providing a fix is a significant bonus on top of that!  Thanks for
this.  I was just about to start tracking down the issue.

We have known this was occuring for a while, but not tracked it down.
I wrote a script (check_cyrus_indexes) which was rescuing the deleted
message files from the replica or even pulling them from backup daily.
All good until I added an option to remove one of the index records
when there were duplicates in both index and expunge.

Stupidly I chose to strip the one in the .expunge file!

Meanwhile, Rob added an option to our replication checker to check
for failure to correctly replicate quota usage.  We have a few users
with that problem (underlying cause as yet unproven, but I can see how
it could get out of sync since quota usage is deltas and a reconstruct
plus quota -f at only one end could cause fun 'n' games)

This caused a bunch of reconstructs to be run because that's one of the
fixes the replication script tries before telling us of the error.

Doh! - suddenly users had messages re-appearing.  Unsurprisingly this
made them grumpy!

> A slightly more ambitious fix, using the fact that both uid[] and expuid[] 
> have been sorted into order of ascending UID:
> http://www-uxsup.csx.cam.ac.uk/~dpc22/cyrus/patches/2.3cvs/reconstruct2.patch
> I believe that the second patch matches the intent of the original code.

Absorbed into my patch cloud :)  I'm very happy to not have to redo all
the work of figuring this out.  Go David!

Again, many thanks,


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