On Tue, 30 Sep 2008, Ken Murchison wrote:

I started wondering what other special characters we might want to allow. The original authors were more restrictive with GOODCHARS than the RFC. AFAICT the following characters are permitted by RFC 3501 but aren't included in GOODCHARS

! # $ & ' ; < > ? [ ^ ` } |

We have used:

 "\\\" #$%'()*+,-.0123456789:;<=>[EMAIL 

for a number of years now without any obvious problems. This list was taken from someone's suggestion on info-cyrus at the time.

For what it is worth, UW imapd allows '%' and '*' in mailbox names, which is why they are on the list above. Those are the two characters I am most dubious about. Hardly anyone uses '%'. '*' seems quite popular as a trick to push mailboxes up to the top of an alphabetically sorted list.

! and ^ have special meaning to Cyrus, so we may not want to add these to GOODCHARS.

I had to remove '!' from the list above when we moved from 2.1.x.

& and ? might conflict with modified UTF-7 encoding.

& shouldn't be allowed without checking for a valid modified UTF-7 sequence. What is the problem with '?'.

David Carter                             Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University Computing Service,            Phone: (01223) 334502
New Museums Site, Pembroke Street,       Fax:   (01223) 334679
Cambridge UK. CB2 3QH.

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