On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 10:07:29AM +0000, David Carter wrote:
> http://www-uxsup.csx.cam.ac.uk/~dpc22/cyrus/patches/2.3.14

Ok - I've loaded all 4 of these patches on top of my 'master' tree
on github and called the branch 'davidcarter', then rebased the
fastmaildev branch on top of it.  That means that it will be
included in my dev builds from now on :)

I did change the linked list append into two lines in my copy.

Assuming this all runs nicely in my testbed, I'll roll it out to
the usual suspects (man, people are going to LOVE being on our
store...) and if that's good then I'm happy to commit it to CVS.

NOTE: there are three separate trees on github, and they all have
to stay in sync :(  Bloody CVS separate repostiories.   I've used
exactly the same commit messages (and falsified the author as
David on the git commits!) for each set across the respositories.


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