I don't see a good reason to include code that digs around in /proc when 
getrusage() has the exact same data.  I think adding, e.g., I/O to the 
telemetry calls would be peachy, either as a runtime option or if someone wants 
to exercise their autoconf-foo, at build time as appropriate to the platform in 

When I wrote the getruage() code, I included only system & user CPU time 
because the platform I was working on provided them -- because POSIX requires 
them.  POSIX similarly requires that the other fields be present, but they 
didn't happen to have any content when I wrote that code, on the platform I was 
working on.  The present day version of the platform in question (Linux) 
provides much more data, and most non-Linux platforms have provided more than 
just CPU usage for many years.


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