
Our pair of 2.4.17 servers seem to be sync'd Ok - but daily now I get a series of messages such as the ones below in syslog on the Master:

Jul 19 04:10:21 sync_client[76982]: inefficient replication (3835 > 3834) user.kpielorz.Logs Jul 19 04:10:21 sync_client[76982]: SYNCERROR: only exists on replica user.kpielorz.Logs 232775 (dfe4875bfdeb39de8773617c868913db81651d6b) Jul 19 04:10:21 sync_client[76982]: SYNCERROR: only exists on replica user.kpielorz.Logs 232776 (8b98a6ae811c5dc62674d89c26db1a57c0e550fc) Jul 19 04:10:21 sync_client[76982]: SYNCERROR: only exists on replica user.kpielorz.Logs 232777 (1cf9b02d77a3f4c7c4518d4b3a555b69380b0bec) Jul 19 04:10:21 sync_client[76982]: SYNCERROR: only exists on replica user.kpielorz.Logs 232778 (a5948da80cd84b0775440087b765cc3662e576dc) Jul 19 04:10:21 sync_client[76982]: SYNCERROR: only exists on replica user.kpielorz.Logs 232779 (80af54cb2a4cc600790e85cf2673f39a2af32f02)

These mailboxes receive high traffic - and have annotations on them to expire the mail after 'x' days (30 I think it is) - so it's conceivable they'll be loosing for this one say 200-300 messages as they 'expire'.

Are these warnings harmless?

With Master -> Replica replication - should the replica be running cyr_expire at all?

Does replication copy across mailbox annotations (i.e. the expiry limit) from the master mailboxes to those on the slave?



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