Hi All,
I am trying to integrate cyrus-sasl with memcached. I am repeatedly seeing
the following error on the memcached application server:
SASL (severity 5): could not find auxprop plugin, was searching for 'sasldb'
SASL (severity 5): could not find auxprop plugin, was searching for 'sasldb'

Could someone please help me with the same.

I have created a config file named memcached.conf inside /usr/lib/sasl2/
that looks like follows:
pwcheck_method: auxprop
auxprop_plugin: sasldb
mech_list: plain
log_level: 5
sasldb_path: /usr/lib/sasl2

I have also configured cyrus-sasl using:
./configure --with-plugindir=/usr/lib/sasl2 --with-configdir=/usr/lib/sasl2

Any help will be highly appreciated.

Thanks and Regards,
Om Kale

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