Looking into IndexNode class in ExprNode.py I have seen a possibility
for addition of more fast code path for unicode[index]  as it done in
method `generate_setitem_code` in case of lists.

This is files for evaluation of performance difference:

#### unicode_index.h

/* This is striped version of __Pyx_GetItemInt_Unicode_Fast */
#include "unicodeobject.h"

static inline Py_UCS4 unicode_char(PyObject* ustring, Py_ssize_t i);

static inline Py_UCS4 unicode_char(PyObject* ustring, Py_ssize_t i) {
    if (PyUnicode_READY(ustring) < 0) return (Py_UCS4)-1;
    return __Pyx_PyUnicode_READ_CHAR(ustring, i);

##### unicode_index.pyx

# coding: utf-8

cdef extern from 'unicode_index.h':
    inline Py_UCS4 unicode_char(unicode ustring, int i)

cdef unicode text = u"abcdefghigklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghigklmnopqrstuvwxyz"

def f_1(unicode text):
    cdef int i, j
    cdef int n = len(text)
    cdef Py_UCS4 ch

    for j from 0<=j<=1000000:
        for i from 0<=i<=n-1:
            ch = text[i]

def f_2(unicode text):
    cdef int i, j
    cdef int n = len(text)
    cdef Py_UCS4 ch

    for j from 0<=j<=1000000:
        for i from 0<=i<=n-1:
            ch = unicode_char(text, i)

def test_1():

def test_2():

Timing results:

(py33) zbook:mytests $ python3.3 -m timeit -n 100 -r 10 -s "from
mytests.unicode_index import test_1" "test_1()"
100 loops, best of 10: 89 msec per loop
(py33) zbook:mytests $ python3.3 -m timeit -n 100 -r 10 -s "from
mytests.unicode_index import test_2" "test_2()"
100 loops, best of 10: 46.1 msec per loop

in setup.py globally:

       "boundscheck": False
       "wraparound": False
       "nonecheck": False

Zaur Shibzukhov
cython-devel mailing list

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