On Sat, Sep 9, 2017 at 10:36 AM, Stefan Behnel <stefan...@behnel.de> wrote:
> Robert Bradshaw schrieb am 06.09.2017 um 08:28:
>> On Tue, Sep 5, 2017 at 10:44 PM, Stefan Behnel wrote:
>>> Robert Bradshaw schrieb am 06.09.2017 um 07:21:
>>>> I'm not a huge fan of behaving differently depending on what syntax
>>>> was used to annotate the return type--I'd rather they be 100% aliases
>>>> of each other.
>>> Regarding this bit - I already chose to implement some differences for
>>> annotation typing. Mainly, if you say
>>>     def f(x: int) -> float:
>>>         return x
>>> then the (plain "def") function will actually be typed as "double
>>> f(object)"., assuming that you probably meant the Python types and not the
>>> C types. If you want the C types "int" and "float", you have to use either
>>> of these:
>>>     def f1(x: cython.int) -> cython.float:
>>>         return x
>>>     cpdef float f2(int x):
>>>         return x
>>> That is because the main use case of signature annotations is Python code
>>> compatibility, so I tried to change the semantics as little as possible
>>> from what the code would be expected to do in Python.
>> What about
>> def f(x: float) -> int
>>   return x * 2
>> would that throw an error if x was, say, a str? I think float -> c
>> double but int -> python object will be surprising. I also worry a bit
>> about x: float being enforced but x: List[float] not being so.
>>> I also considered if distinguishing between .py and .pyx files would make
>>> sense here, but adapting the type interpretation to that felt much worse
>>> than the above,
>> Agreed, -1 to doing this.
>>> which is at least consistent regarding the typing scheme
>>> that you use.
>>> I think this type interpretation is a reasonable, use case driven
>>> difference to make. Thus my question if we should extend this to the
>>> exception declaration.
>> I suppose you've already made a case for deviating...
>> I guess I think it'd be nice to change the default universally, but
>> that's perhaps a bigger conversation.
> What do you think of this?
> https://github.com/cython/cython/pull/1865

Makes sense to me.
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