Branch: refs/heads/unstable
  Commit: 75f84d474e4237d7d5af7ddbdc9d1908f6d78610
  Author: metincansiper <>
  Date:   2021-03-23 (Tue, 23 Mar 2021)

  Changed paths:
    M package-lock.json
    M package.json
    M src/client/components/home.js
    M src/config.js
    M src/server/routes/api/document/index.js
    M src/server/routes/api/document/indra.js
    A src/server/routes/api/document/related-papers-queue.js

  Log Message:
  Supplement db improvements (#940)

* Use only supported organisms while searching groundings of the entities 
coming from biopax

* Removed a conditional console.log statement that was written for temporary 

* Fix too many request issue of indra queries

* While loading documents from biopax file skip the elements whose xref is not 
available also skip the ones connected to such elements.

* Handle the case where response is null for fetch retry

* Add api/document/from-url end point to add new documents from a url and used 
it directly from client side. Also, made a little update in error handling of 
indra connecter.

* Control admin email(which is subject to change) from config file

* Handle related paper process through priority queues and made some other 
improvements regarding the related papers.

* Removed a mistakenly added char

* Skip the interaction when grounding search returns no result for any of its 
entities. Also, trash the doc if there is no valid interaction in it.

* Call deleteTableRows function instead of trashing document when it has no 
valid interaction (in case of creating docs from biopax file)

* Delete the secret from database while removing the documents with no valid 

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