Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb,

Kemarin saya download ebooks pada links dibawah ini. Dan aku pengen
memprintnya. Tapi karena jumlahnya sangat banyak 874 halaman aku pengen
memastikan dulu bahwa buku ini layak untuk dimiliki dan dibaca oleh seorang
Muslim. Aku mohon pendapat dari teman-teman mengenai ini.

Demikian dari kami. Kami ucapkan termakasih atas bantuannya.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: maman durahman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 12 Feb 2008 13:00
Subject: []linx-lunx[] [ebooks] new_encyclopedia_of_islam

(ganti tanda '++' dengan 'tt')

*Editorial Reviews*
 *From Booklist <>*
The reference literature for Islam has long consisted of either a densely
academic, multivolume encyclopedia or several, often specialized,
single-volume works with brief definitions. Happily, there is now a
reference work falling between these two extremes. *The Encyclopedia of
Islam and the Muslim World* is a scholarly work "about Islamic cultures,
religion, history, politics, and the like as well as the people who have
identified with Islam over the past fourteen centuries."

A team of international scholars is responsible for the 515 entries, which
are arranged alphabetically and range from 200 to 5,000 words in length.
Many include some sort of illustration and end with helpful *see
also*references and excellent supplemental bibliographies. A useful
completes the set. Coverage includes the religious dimensions of Islam as
well as the development of the tradition in various parts of the world (e.g.,
Africa, South Asia, U.S.). Cultural issues of importance to the history of
Islam (e.g., architecture, calligraphy, language) are also treated. Entries
such as *Political organization* and *Political thought* demonstrate the
historical completeness for which the encyclopedia strives, tracing
developments from the life of the Prophet to the present day. Even topics of
contemporary interest include a historical perspective. The entry for *Jihad
* describes the many meanings of the term, including its contemporary
association with violence, and how the concept has developed historically.
The treatment of secularization in the Muslim world includes a comparison to
historical events in the West, thereby helping the reader to understand that
it cannot be understood solely from a Western perspective. Finally, the
biographical entries include important figures from the religious, cultural,
and political history of the Muslim world.

*The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World* (1995) is close in
spirit and size (four volumes) to this new work, but its coverage includes
far less of historical figures and events. *The Encyclopedia of Islam and
the Muslim World*, on the other hand, "seeks to contextualize contemporary
Islam within the longer history of Islam." As such, it can easily serve as a
standard reference source with its scholarly, yet accessible, content.
Highly recommend for academic and large public libraries. *RBB*
*Copyright (c) American Library Association. All rights reserved*


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