Afflictions are a Favor of Allah (swt) 
Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani ar-Rabbani
Tuesday, February 26, 2008 | Oakland , CA US          
Oakland Zawiya 
Allahuma salli ala Muhammadin wa ala ali muhammadin wa
A`udhu billahi min ash-shaytaan ir-rajeem Bismillahi
'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem 
Nawaytu'l-arba` een, nawaytu'l-`itikaaf,
nawaytu'l-khalwah, nawaytu'l-riyaada,
nawaytu's-salook, nawaytu'l-`uzlah lillahi ta`ala fee
Ati` Allah wa ati` ar-Rasula wa uli 'l-amri minkum 
We continue from the previous session that every
moment Allah swt is sending His favors on us. In every
moment Allah swt is sending His mercy on us. Why? And
how can we know that? How can we know that Allah is
honoring us with His favors? 
Allah honoring us with continuous favors… He just came
in; it is a favor. We were waiting for him to begin.
We were just being, you didn’t miss anything. 
So how do we know that these favors are coming on us
is that Allah did not stop us from breathing. When
someone stops breathing what does that mean? He is
dead. That is a big honor and a big favor that Allah
swt is sending that air that we are able to inhale and
exhale. If that stops then we are finished. 
What stops first; the inhale or the exhale? [inhale]
Exhale because when it goes out it stops and doesn’t
come in. So the first sign is when the breath will go
out but the new one doesn’t come in. So that is ni`mat
from Allah swt on us that He is blessing us with it.
So how much… it is very small [amount of] air that
goes in and when it goes in you take the oxygen and
you leave the rest. How does the body knows this is
the oxygen and the rest is not oxygen? 
Today if they want to determine the air and check it,
it is a big process to determine where is the oxygen,
the helium, the hydrogen and all the different gases.
SubhanAllah, Allah gave us the ability to know what is
right for us and what is bad for us. If the body knows
what is good for you and the oxygen is good for you
and the oxygen goes to the heart to take the blood to
the brain and to the whole body do you think then we
don’t know what is good and what is evil? If our body
knows which gas is good for us, the oxygen and not the
rest, does not Allah know to give to us [awareness of]
what is evil and what is not evil. 
Why then do we follow evil? If we know and our body
knows and our soul knows why then we don’t stop
ourselves form falling in the trap of Shaytan? That is
why as we said previously - you weren’t here - that
Allah swt likes His servant to always be asking as a
student is asking from a teacher. Grandshaykh said,
“don’t make yourself a scholar, but make yourself a
There is no scholar. Every scholar is a student to the
scholar who is above him, in every field. In every
field there are the scholars and they are students to
the scholars that are above them but the ego doesn’t
let you to do that. The ego is what makes us fall into
the problem of everything. “Allah,” Grandshaykh said,
may Allah bless his soul, that “difficulties,
afflictions, Allah changed them when we receive them
as afflictions, they are difficulties that we are in
but in reality they become ni`mat later.” 
And this is a big … it has a big meaning that we have
to understand, how an affliction becomes a ni`mat. How
an affliction becomes a favor. How a difficulty
becomes a favor. How a sickness becomes a favor, a
ni`mat. People when they have a sickness what do they
say? They don’t say it is a ni’mat, favor. They say it
is a difficulty and a problem and they are seeking a
way to get out of it. So any affliction or difficulty
that comes on us Grandshaykh said, “it is a ni’mat.” 
What does he mean? He means that because it is an
affliction, since you got that affliction and it came
on you, because of that Allah will clean you of your
sins and change them to rewards. 
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Excepted, however, shall be they who repent and attain
to faith and do righteous deeds: for it is they whose
[erstwhile] bad deeds God will transform into good
ones - seeing that God is indeed much-forgiving, a
dispenser of grace. [25:70] 
Because you were patient on that affliction or
difficulty Allah will change those sins to hasanaat.
So how many of Ummat an-Nabi doesn’t have difficulty.
Do you have difficulties? Sometimes. Of course. You
have difficulties? All of us do. So Allah cleans you
with it. Look the.. you now Khan, Ikramullah Khan, the
one with the beard there, with clothes well-ironed.
You see he is very handsome, very well-ironed. 
All of us we sit at the mirror every day or we… I
don’t shout, but might be you shout. How many times
you shout at your wife, how many times you say, “You
didn’t iron my clothes!” You shout? You shout also?
You also. He is more patient than you. You are French.
So you shout at her, “Why didn’t you iron my clothes?”
In order that when you go out people respect you and
consider you good-looking. But before they were ironed
where were they? Why do we have to iron them? Why were
they wrinkled? I am asking them on the Internet. Why
they were wrinkled? Because they were washed. Why were
they dirty? Because we made them dirty. 
So when you make your self, your ego dirty, too much
dirty then you need a washing machine now. What is
that washing machine. That washing machine when you
put it in, what happens? The washing machine begins to
squeeze them and squeeze them. Then what? They come
out of the washing machine very wrinkled. 
We are dirty. To clean ourselves they send us to the
washing machine. The washing machine will squeeze us.
Completely squeeze us and squeeze us and bring us out.
It brings you out wrinkled but you come out clean.
Allah swt sends on you affliction and in the end you
come out clean. Allah loves us. Why? Because He made
us from the nation of Sayyidina Muhammad (s). Allah
loves all the prophets but he loves Sayyidina Muhammad
(s) more than all the others. He created us from his
light and he created everything for his sake. 
So He didn’t make us from the nation of any other
prophet and that means He loves us more than any other
nation. They asked me a question on Noor TV: “why do
we the Muslim community today have problems?” We are
dirty, they are washing us. We are always losing today
because we are more dirty and more dirty and more
dirty. Allah wants us to be clean. The Prophet
Muhammad (s) is clean. He will not send us to be with
him (s) dirty. So He cleans us by squeezing us and
then at the end we need to be ironed. Ironing means to
repent. When we are ironed we come to have a nicer
body because of the afflictions that afflict us. 
So affliction is a ni’mat. People don’t look at it
from that point of view but awliyaullah look at it
from that point of view. The Prophet (s) said, what?
He said, “I am the person most among the Prophets and
among human beings that has been abused the most.” And
he is seal of the messengers. Look Sayyidina Musa (as)
lost 40 years in the desert. Allah told him “I will
give you victory over Pharaoh” and for 40 years he was
lost. And for 40 years Pharaoh was crushing the Bani
Israel and Sayyidina Musa (as) was lost. 
Sayyidina `Isa (as) they were rushing to kill him.
Sayyidina Muhammad (s) they were trying to torture and
abuse him and tried to kill him. Sayyidina Ibrahim
(as) was tortured and thrown in the fire. Sayyidina
Nuh (as), they were stoning and harming and abusing
him when he was building the ark. 
So are we better than the Prophets? Allah sends
afflictions to clean us. So don’t say when afflictions
come that is not ni’mat. Say “O Allah you sent it and
you can take it away, and I am repenting. Allah sent
it in order for us to repent in order that we will be
in good position in front of Allah swt on the Day of
And he said that when we do a sin we are doing it with
…when we fall into a mistake, a sin, a desire of the
ego, we do it with full energy. When the time of
prayer comes we do it full of laziness. How many
people don’t pray? And Allah says you have to pray
five prayers. When prayers come we are lazy,
especially Fajr prayer. When Fajr prayer comes we are
Young people say, “O shaykh I cannot wake up for Fajr.
What do I have to do?” What do you have to do? Beat
yourself up. He said, “I cannot wake up for Fajr.” Put
an alarm clock. Tell your wife to wake you up, because
she prays and you don’t pray. No, I am joking. So put
an alarm clock. They say, “We put the alarm clock but
then we turn this side or that side we put it off.” So
as soon as it begins to ring they put it off, is it
Why is it good to have a masjid on every street and
every corner? Because you cannot put the masjid off.
When the muezzin beings to make adhan you cannot stop
him. His voice reaches all over. Today Shaytan is
telling people, “Don’t live near a mosque.” In Muslim
countries they put a microphone. In the past they have
minarets, 1 or 2 or 4 minarets and they go up, and
they call adhan from there. 
Today they put speakers but for Fajr prayers they
lower the speaker [volume]. They don’t call the adhan
on speakers. It is a law now in many countries. Why?
Because they don’t want to wake people up at Fajr
So they say, “I put the alarm off.” I said, “Ok put
the alarm far from the bed and it will keep ringing.”
So you are worried for the children not to wake up,
especially the young ones and then you are up.
Finished. So the problem is that. And that is what he
says, Grandshaykh, and Mawlana Shaykh Nazim, may Allah
give him long life, that when prayer time comes we are
lazy. For doing something haram we are so energetic.
That is how our ego is tricking us. And then what will
happen? We are under difficulties. 
That is why we are asking, “Ya Rabbee, we are sinful
servants. Sinful human beings. We are asking You to
help us to take away that bad desire that is within
ourselves and You are the one who can take it for the
sake of Sayyidina Muhammad (s) and for sake of
awliyaullah take away that bad character that we have
and fill us with more worship love and more love to
good `amal. Else we are falling in the trap of
Shaytan. We don’t have enough power, power comes from
you ya Allah. Nothing comes from us.” 
He was addressing one of the most famous scholars in
Islam who doesn’t have a beard. You know there are
some scholars in Egypt and in Arab countries that are
very big `ulama. Even grand muftis in Muslim countries
but they might not have a beard. He said, “if you
leave your beard to grow, Allah will open to you the
level of sainthood.” Because he is an `alim, he is
ready. His ego doesn’t let him to grow his beard.
Because if he wants to take his turban and his hat and
he has no beard and he has long hair, nice hair, he
can easily go to any disco, is it not Abu Shuayb? 
But when he has a long beard and a cap on his head can
he go to a disco? He cannot. So Islamic image when you
dress it, it saves you. That is why the Prophet said,
“al-ama’imu tijaan al-`arab, the turbans are the
crowns of the Arabs,” turbans are the crowns of the
Muslims. They have a lot of them in Afghanistan . But
make sure they don’t have turbans and long hair. 
So they can take the turban off and with out it the
long hair and a little bit of beard it is easy to go
anywhere, no one knows he is an `alim. And those who
don’t have a beard and don’t have a turban, what did
you do with Sunnah of the Prophet? You killed it.
“Whoever revived my Sunnah when there is everywhere
corruption, Allah will reward him like the reward of
70 martyrs.” Sahaba were dying for one martyr. The
Prophet (s) is saying that when there is corruption in
the Ummah anyone who revives my sunnah Allah will
reward him [as] 70 martyrs. 
Why are we not doing it? Look at this one, masha-Allah
he is French, but he has a hat and a beard. Look at
this one, American, a convert, he has a beard and a
hat on his head. Look at that one, he looks Pakistani
but he is not . He shaved his beard. He is going to
grow it now. I like him; that is why I pick on him. 
So the appearance is also important. Like a clock. If
the clock is working from inside, if the battery is
working, what is the benefit? You don’t see the time.
If our appearance does not look likea Muslim
appearance like the Prophet (s) and his sahaba’s
appearance it doesn’t look like he is Muslim. It is
like we lost the needles of the clock. And these
needles are the Islamic appearance. 
Keep Islamic appearance at least when we are praying.
People are praying today without an Islamic
appearance. It is ok as long as they know that and as
long as they try to be a loyal servant to Allah swt.
what can we do The time is very difficult to observe
that and to do what is needed to be done. But know
that Allah sends these difficulties because we are
away from our Islamic behavior and that reminds us and
cleans us and brings us back clean in the presence of
Allah swt. 
So he told that scholar that “if you grow your beard
then you will become a saint.” That means that when
you have support you will kill the Shaytan within you.
When you become different than others, people look at
you, you feel that you don’t belong there. You find
yourself strange in a corrupted community. Still he is
doing it wearing his beard. Allah will give such
people support. And we are asking Allah swt to give us
And he asked, “What is humbleness. Ma huwa at-tawada`.
What is different between humbleness and selfishness.
What is the difference between humbleness and
arrogance? What is the difference between humbleness
and pride?” 
He said, “there is a huge difference. You have been
grafted, just as you grafted a wild tree to give a
sweet fruit, how you graft it, humbleness is when you
are grafted by the Prophet (s) , who is the highest
level of humbleness that Allah gave to him. It means
you are inheriting from the Prophet. Selfishness,
arrogance and pride you are inheriting from Iblees. He
is the most arrogant and most proud and most selfish.
Allah described him when he said, 
ÞóÇáó ÃóäóÇ ÎóíúÑñ ãøöäúåõ ÎóáóÞúÊóäöí ãöä äøóÇÑò
æóÎóáóÞúÊóåõ ãöä Øöíäò 
Answered [Iblis]: “I am better than he: Thou hast
created me out of fire, whereas him Thou hast created
out of clay.” [38:76] and Allah threw him out.” 
And the Prophet (s) was most humble. How we know that?
He was invited to ”qaaba qawsayni aw adna – two bow’s
length or nearer.” No other prophet was invited there.
So humbleness takes you high, very much and pride
takes you very low. 
We are asking Allah to fill us with humbleness and to
be very near to the Prophet (s) and to take away from
our heart’s arrogance, pride and selfishness and to
keep us away from Satan. By this way we will be able
to destroy the house of Satan that he builds in our
hearts and we will be able to build happiness peace
and satisfaction within our hearts and building
ourselves up to be better servants to Allah swt. May
Allah support us and bless us and … Bi-hurmatil habib,
bi-hurmatil Fatiha. 
Wa min Allah at-tawfeeq
wasalam, arief hamdani

Taken from www.sufilive. com

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