sekedar forward....



Islamic Relief was founded in 1984 in the United Kingdom and currently works in 
over 30 countries providing support to those in need regardless of race, 
religion, ethnic, or political affiliations. Because of its existence in 
Indonesia, Islamic Relief was able to respond in Aceh just one day after the 
Tsunami struck in 2004. Since then, Islamic Relief has constructed houses, 
schools, health clinics and numerous projects aimed at supporting the recovery 
of over 100,000 Tsunami-affected people Aceh.

Islamic Relief seeks to hire committed and experienced persons for the 
following positions:


(3      Positions - Base in Aceh Jaya and Aceh Besar)

Main duties and responsibilities:

·         Participate in assessment, planning, and design discussions regarding 
construction projects

·         Monitoring of projects with communities, ensuring quality, 
conformity, cost, and timeliness

·         Maintain monitoring systems, as well as keeping all necessary 
documents updated regarding the monitoring process.

·         Participate in meetings necessary to carry out the work with IR 
staff, communities, contractors, government agencies, by him/herself or in 
collaboration with other Islamic Relief staff.

·         Create technical or supplementary drawings, budgets, and other 
technical documents, as well as any other relevant duties related to his line 
of work assigned by his supervisor.

Necessary qualifications:

·         Architecture degree from reputable university, and at least 3 years 
of relevant experience.

·         Solid technical knowledge in all areas related to architectural work, 
design, presentation, drawings, construction and preparation of technical 

·         Creative, able to take initiative, highly motivated, and able to 
express ideas, technical or otherwise, when working with communities groups at 
village level.

·         Excellent English language skills

·         Knowledge of participatory design approaches and techniques

·         Prior work with NGOs or international organizations is a plus.


(3 positions - Base in Aceh Besar and Aceh Jaya)

Main duties and responsibilities

·         Mobilize, interact, and dialogue with individuals and small groups of 
selected communities to promote civic responsibility and sense of ownership.

§         Facilitate small and large community meetings to encourage 
discussions and thorough thinking by local communities to analyze local 
problems and local solutions.

§         Conduct awareness and socialization programmes in local communities

Necessary qualifications:

·         Degree in social science from reputable university, and at least 3 
years of experience in related field.

·         Excellent interpersonal skills, creative, highly motivated, and able 
to express ideas clearly.

·         Knowledge of participatory approaches and techniques

·         Excellent English language skills

·         Prior work with NGOs or international organizations is a plus.

If you meet the above requirements kindly send your detailed CV with 
recommendations from 2 referees, (one of them your immediate former employer) 
to: Human Resources Department, Islamic Relief - Banda Aceh Office  JI. T. 
Imuem Km. 4 Lueng Bata, Banda Aceh, Indonesia.


Closing date: Wednesday March 15th 2008

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