Sometimes love is unexpressed, affection is unspoken of, especially
when you can’t find sufficient words to articulate your thoughts or to
precisely express your feelings. I’ve often found myself in awe when
speaking about Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).
Whenever his name is emanated from minarets, or recited during prayers,
or mentioned in hadiths, I feel delighted, my heart palpitates with
deep emotion; but my tongue feels constantly bounded to repeat, fearing
to slip into exaggeration, the echoing, everlasting, and
spiritually-rejuvenating expression, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam.  But to 
further console my heart, I usually say...

   Beloved Prophet, kindly accept my apology
Your love is but a belief and theology.
It has always revived my soul
But expression is beyond my control.
an authentic hadith narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim, the Prophet
(peace and blessings be upon him) instructed his companions saying,"None of you 
can have (real) faith until I become dearer to them than their own fathers and 
children and all humans. " In another version, he added "and even more than you 
would love your own selves". The Qur’an further warns us to dedicate our hearts 
to nothing  more than Allah, His Prophet and striving in His cause,  (Say,
"If your fathers and your sons and your brethren and your mates and
your kinsfolk and the property you have acquired and the trade in which
you fear a decline and the dwellings you like are dearer to you than
Allah and His Messenger and than striving in His way, then wait till
Allah brings about His command," and Allah does not guide the
transgressing people.) (At-Tawbah 9:24)     Ways of Expressing Love  Throughout
history Muslims have expressed their love for Prophet Muhammad, in
various ways. Poets have always competed to praise Prophet Muhammad and
voice their love for him in lyrical, chiming words. Singers have used
their sonorous voices to sing eulogies and love for the Prophet. Great
authors and writers compiled books highlighting his noble character,
personality traits and marvelous achievements. Sheikhs and Imams have
prepared powerful speeches about the Prophet, underscoring his fabulous
contributions to humanity. Among all these people there were those who
exceeded the limits in extolling the Prophet, while others tried to
remain within the acceptable boundaries of permissible eulogy.
the best and most effective form of expressing one’s love for the
Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is the embodiment of his
great teachings and the adoption of his great example as away of life.
As the Qur’an puts it,   (You
have indeed in the Messenger of Allah a good example for anyone whose
hope is in Allah and the Last Day, and who engages much in the praise
of Allah.) (Al-Ahzab33:21)  Such
type of love is so dynamic, so lively and inspirational. It actually
proves your dedication and devotion, your sincerity and genuineness,
your seriousness and enthusiasm, your affection and attachment to the
Prophet and his mission. Conversely, a person who claims to love the
Prophet while in reality he/she is too far from his Sunnah, does
nothing but pay a lip service, for real love is tested by actions.  Therefore,
a Muslim should spare no effort to learn about the Prophet, his
lifestyle, his manners, teachings and directives in all walks of life.
Such knowledge is called the seerah (biography). Etymologically, the word 
seerah comes from the root verb sara, which means to travel or go on a journey. 
A person's seerah
is his/her journey through life; his birth, his life and his death, and
his manners and characteristics, his accomplishments and contributions.
So a true follower of the Prophet is expected to seek knowledge through
the Prophet’s seerah; his early life, his mission and patience,
his struggle and mission, his leadership and diplomacy, his
spirituality and mentorship, his seriousness and sense of humor, his
parenthood, his friendship, his education – simply his comprehensive
way of life.        We
need to revive our love and veneration for Prophet Muhammad by studying
and reflecting on his exemplary way of life, teaching his seerah to our 
children and youth.      Such extensive knowledge of the seerah
is a roadmap for travelers on the path of life, an enlightenment in the
midst of perilous times, and a detailed explanation for success in this
world. Describing the goal of the Prophet’s mission, the Qur’an tells
us that Prophet Muhammadhas been but “a mercy to the worlds” 
(rahmat-un-lil-‘aalameen). That means his message brings nothing but peace, 
love, kindness, and pleasure to the entire humanity. Unfortunately,
many Muslims have gone far away from the example of the Prophet (peace
and blessings be upon him). Some have abandoned it completely,
replacing it with different ideologies and various life styles. Some
have focused on a particular aspect of the Prophet’s life,
therefore lacked balance and equilibrium. Others have clung to their
cultures and traditions, and due to their ignorance of the seerah,
they failed to distinguish between what is cultural and what is
religious, what is historical and what is divine. As a result, some of
our youth have fallen victims to many deviant intellectual trends such
as extremism, rigidity, radicalism, and even violence. Such repulsive
ideas and erroneous ways of life would not have found way to the Muslim
Ummah had they been trained in the light of the seerah of the Prophet that 
offers vibrant principles of life and practical ethics for the daily conduct 
suited to the whole world.

we need to revive our love and veneration for Prophet Muhammad, (peace
and blessings be upon him), by studying and reflecting on his exemplary
way of life, teaching his seerah to our children and youth. Not
in the form of recounting interesting stories that entertain them, but
in the form of learning and seeking guidance to help them understand
life and flourish with faith and good actions.


      Buat sendiri desain eksklusif Messenger Pingbox Anda sekarang! Membuat 
tempat chat pribadi di blog Anda sekarang sangatlah mudah. 

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