On Wednesday 19 December 2007 06:19:00 am Dennis Meulensteen wrote:
> Hi all,
> can someone please explain how the object model works?
> I know that I can use the Class Designer's Object Info panel to view the
> relationships between graphical objects. I know how to use self.Form to get
> to those objects and their properties.
> But how on earth do I create a button that calls a BuzObj's SetWhere
> method? Dabo keeps telling me there's no such global object whenever I call
> the BusObj by name. Whatever I prefix it with doesn't seem to help either,
> I've tried self.Form and such, but no luck.
> I undersatnd I'm asking a ton of stupid questions, but I promise I will add
> a nice tutorial to the Wiki once my (small) app is working to my
> satisfaction.
> Regards,
> Dennis

You would first bind an event to the button:
        self.BtnAdd = dabo.ui.dButton(self,Caption="SetWhere")
        self.BtnAdd.bindEvent(dEvents.Hit, self.OnWhereBtn)

The Medthod requires the event.
def OnWhereBtn(self,evt):

        self.Fomr.BizOjectName.setWhereClause =" some str"

John Fabiani

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