
my app holds lots of very sensitive personal data and I would like to not have 
it auto-connect to the database (mySQL).

I built it using the Class Designer, according to the two-part tutorial video. 
>From there I tweaked lots of aspects with a lot of help from this list.

What I want to do now is have the connection built at run time, just not from 
the .cnxml file. In the API doc I found some examples of what seems like 
useful objects I will need for this:


and ui:

Can anyone give me some pointers (any snippets or references to sample code 
would be great) as to where and when I should insert the code to create my 
connection using dConnectInfo.
The API docs clearly show how it;s done (my preferred method):

        ci = dConnectInfo()
        ci.DbType = "MySQL"
        ci.Host = "localhost"
        ci.User = "" //<-- I want to get this from the dialogs.Login form.
        ci.PlainTextPassword = //<-- again from the dialogs.Login form.
        ci.Database = "myData"
        ci.Name = "myConnection"

But I have no idea where to put this code! I'm afraid everything I tried has 
led to an attempt to instantiate BizObjs without a connection to the DB.


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