Using lockDisplay() and unlockDisplay() works very well to stop the
flashing.  Thanks.

If you do update Dabo to allow the suppressing of the "Requering dataset"
message, could you post something that would show how to implement that

Thanks for the great support.

Steve Rose

On Aug 25, 2008, at 5:31 PM, Steve Rose wrote:

> 1. Is there anyway to tell Dabo not to update a grid or the whole
> ui until
> all the processing is complete?
> Something like:
> self.update( False )
> self.doAllProcessing()
> self.update( True )

  There are two methods that can be used for any Dabo UI object:
lockDisplay() and unlockDisplay(). Typically, you would have the form
do this to prevent any interim redrawing, but you can call it on a
single control if you wish. Be sure to always call unlockDisplay() or
you will end up with a very frustrated user!

> 2. Can the "Requerying dataset" message be suppressed?

  Currently, no. That's an oversight that would be simple enough to
fix. I'll try to post something tonight.

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