I've been having a problem since I updated from SVN this evening. Once I load 
my form into ClassDesigner and make a change, I can no longer run my 
application, save my form, or close cleanly the ClassDesigner.

I can duplicate the problem with a clean form as soon as I add a DataGrid to 
the horizontal sizer. Removing the DataGrid makes the problem go away. The 
GridList appears to work fine.

Google says that someone posted the same error to the mailing list in 2006, 
but I couldn't find a response.

Here is the last few lines of my traceback:
line 253, in getDesignerDict
    ret["children"] = self.getChildrenPropDict(classDict)
  File "/usr/local/share/applications/dabo/ide/ClassDesignerComponents.py", 
line 411, in getChildrenPropDict
  File "/usr/local/share/applications/dabo/ide/ClassDesignerComponents.py", 
line 145, in getDesignerDict
    csz = self.ControllingSizer
AttributeError: 'controlMix' object has no attribute 'ControllingSizer'

My form is pretty simple:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
<dForm code-ID="dForm-top" CxnFile="path://../db/defaultdb.cnxml" Name="dForm" 
Caption="Sampling Application"   Top="0" Height="676" Width="1353" 
designerClass="DesForm" CxnName="DefaultDB" UseSizers="True" Left="59">
  <dSizer SlotCount="1" designerClass="LayoutSizer" Orientation="Vertical">
     <dPanel sizerInfo="{'Proportion': 
1, 'HAlign': 'Center', 'VAlign': 'Middle', 'Expand': True}" 
       <dSizer SlotCount="2" designerClass="LayoutSizer" 
         <dGrid ColumnCount="4" code-ID="dGrid-dPanel" 
sizerInfo="{'Proportion': 1, 'Expand': True}" Name="GridListRecords" 
Editable="False" designerClass="controlMix" DataSource="table1" 
           <dColumn Caption="id" DataField="id" designerClass="controlMix" 
Order="0" Width="64"></dColumn>
           <dColumn Caption="Column4" DataField="col4" 
designerClass="controlMix" Order="30" Width="157"></dColumn>
         <dGridSizer HGap="5" sizerInfo="{'Proportion': 1, 'Border': 
10, 'Expand': True}" Rows="12" designerClass="LayoutGridSizer" VGap="5" 
MaxDimension="r" Columns="2">
           <dLabel Width="12" sizerInfo="{'Proportion': 0, 'ColExpand': 
False, 'VAlign': 'Middle', 'Expand':     False, 'RowExpand': False}" 
designerClass="controlMix" rowColPos="(0, 0)" Caption="id"></dLabel>
           <dTextBox sizerInfo="{'Proportion': 0, 'ColExpand': 
True, 'VAlign': 'Middle', 'Expand': True, 'RowExpand': False}" rowColPos='(0, 
1)' designerClass='controlMix' DataSource='table1' DataField='id'></   
        </dGridSizer> </dSizer> </dPanel> </dSizer> </dForm>

How best can I determine if the problem is on my side, or if a fix is 
necessary in the framework?

Thank you,


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