I am starting to write some reports - but have encountered problems trying to 
get a Testcursor together. I have tried setting up a small cursor by hand but 
got errors in the XML so I tried using the following code from the user group 
archives :-

  ds = self.myBizobj.getDataSet()
  from dabo.lib.reportUtils import getTestCursorXmlFromDataSet
  xml = getTestCursorXmlFromDataSet(ds)
  open("testcursor.xml.snippet", "wb").write(xml)

I then copied the generated snippet unchanged into my reportdefinition file (a 
new one with nothing entered yet in the Report Designer) just before the 
</report> at the end. I got the following trace:-

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\wx-2.8-msw-unicode\wx\_core.py", line 1383
0, in <lambda>
    lambda event: event.callable(*event.args, **event.kw) )
  File "c:\svndabo\dabo\ui\uiwx\dPemMixin.py", line 940, in raiseEvent
    super(dPemMixin, self).raiseEvent(eventClass, nativeEvent, *args, **kwargs)
  File "c:\svndabo\dabo\lib\eventMixin.py", line 93, in raiseEvent
  File "C:\svnide\ReportDesigner.py", line 2327, in onLeaveXmlEditorPage
    report = editor._rw._getFormFromXML(editBox.Value)
  File "c:\svndabo\dabo\lib\reportWriter.py", line 1857, in _getFormFromXML
    xmldict = xmltodict(xml)
  File "c:\svndabo\dabo\lib\xmltodict.py", line 203, in xmltodict
    raise dabo.dException.XmlException, errmsg
dabo.dException.XmlException: An invalid XML string was encountered

Any clues?

Thanks - Rodgy

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