Uwe Grauer schrieb:
> Sibylle Koczian wrote:
>> Hello,
>> at the start of the application I get this error:
>> (-206, 'isc_dsql_prepare: \n  Dynamic SQL Error\n  SQL error code =
>> -206\n  Column unknown\n  EMPLOYEE_PROJECT.PROJ_ID\n  At line 8, column 9')
>> SQL: SELECT  first 1000
>> epr."EMP_NO",
>>        epr."PROJ_ID",
>>        employee."FIRST_NAME",
>>        employee."LAST_NAME"
>>   from employee_project as epr
>>  inner join employee on epr."EMP_NO" = employee."EMP_NO"
>>  where  employee_project."PROJ_ID" = 'VBASE'
> Which version of Firebird are you running?
> Did you try the same query with flamerobin or isql?

Firebird 2.1.2, and I didn't try the query before posting. But you'd
think I could have seen for myself what was wrong: the where clause
doesn't use the alias. Change that in FlameRobin and the query is executed.

As the query is built by Dabo I'm afraid this is a bug. Should I create
a ticket in the tracker?

Thank you for clearing this up,

Sibylle Koczian

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