On Wednesday 10 June 2009 06:52:52 am Ed Leafe wrote:
> On Jun 10, 2009, at 8:09 AM, johnf wrote:
> > The fact that the Postgres log reports the same actual cost for each
> > of the
> > requerys (.5 vs 12 seconds).  Implies that the problem is else
> > where.  Any
> > chance you have an idea where to look?
>       I'd profile the method that you call to do this 'clearing'. That will
> show you where the slowdown occurs.
> -- Ed Leafe

Larry and I have several hours into the debug of this issue without any 
success.  We have come to the conclusion that it is NOT the backend DB.  The 
Form.requery() is finished in under a second.  But the form screen refresh 
takes as much as 40 seconds to complete (runs faster on windows). Top reports 
that python has gone to 100% until the form is cleared.  

We now need more advise.  

We tried to turn on the event log but could not figure out what statements 
were required.  We tried:
 app.LogEvents = ('All')
 dabo.eventLogging = True 
But nothing appears in the standard out nor is a log file created.

We have no idea where to look next!  There are no tracebacks, any error 
message displayed anywhere.

Need help!
John Fabiani
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