On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 11:10 PM, John<jfabi...@yolo.com> wrote:
> On Thursday 09 July 2009 02:23:42 pm Miguel Lopes wrote:
>> I'm trying to make a record selector.
>> The UI is simple:
>> A grid on the left with available records (gdAvailableContacts), a
>> grid on the right with selected record (gdSelectedContacts). Four
>> buttons in the middle, to select a record, to unselect a record, to
>> select all, and to unselect all.
>> The left grid is populated with a bizobj (no problems).
>> How should I populate the left grid? I tried an empty dDataSet, but
>> it's not possible to add records to it.
>> I'm not looking to remove records from the left grid, just to add or
>> remove records from the right grid. How is this accomplished?
>> Txs for the help,
>> Miguel
> I add records to an empty grid all the time.
> untested:
> self.rightGrid.DataSet = {}
> self.rightGrid.DataSet = tempCursor.getDataSet()
> self.rightGrid.update()
> or
> self.rightGrid.DataSet = self.rightGrid.DataSet +{'someKey":"theValue"}
> Johnf

I'm glad I asked!
The solution is much simpler than I antecipated.
I'm pretty sure I would have come up with some horrendously complex code :-(

Txs John,

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