Examining an app created with the dabo AppWizard, we noticed that "Show  
SQL" menu option displays SQL that includes a limit clause (limit 1000). 
I checked the bizobj in the bz directory, and there is a  
self.setLimitClause("500") there. A note indicates that the UI might modify  
this, and 
apparently it has, changing it to 1000.
Am I right in assuming that we have control over whether to use a limit  
clause in the bizobj, and that it is not automatically added to the SQL?
Second question is, using a Client-Server backend like MySQL, are there any 
 issues (performance or other) that make using a limit clause desirable? If 
I  create a grid that's mapped to a large table without a limit clause in 
the  bizobj, will there be problems?
Third question is, if there is a limit clause, what happens when you push  
to the bottom of your set of 1000 in the grid. Does the bizobj handle 
getting  the next 1000?
(I figured I'd ask while I try to generate enough records in my table to  
try this!)
Jonathan Poor

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