Hi there,

I have two question. Are there dabo open source full-working
applications that i could download and read the sources ?

I've developed a small form using ClassDesigner in which the full xml is here:

It's a form with below a grid to show the entered data. I have a
combobox and i have populated it following the tutorial:

when i select a record in the grid the combobox shows correctly the
option but when i change it and click on save the record isn't changed
in the grid.

i've seen the multiple clicks on a button with "self.Form.new()"
creates more rows in the grid. Is it possible to create only one row
(or none) ? I would like to have the click
on the new button interact only with the form not the grid.

Is it possible to activate the validation of the bizobj if the user
hasn't inserted anything ? If i click on a button with
"self.Form.save()" on an empty form nothing happens.

I'm curious about one thing: is dabo used for creating commercial products ?

I'm on ubuntu linux 9.04 64 bit and i use postgresql 8.3 as a database.

Emanuele Gesuato

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