On Monday 14 September 2009 09:03:36 am Paul McNett wrote:
> John wrote:
> > I did a little testing and quickly discovered the MDI does not work under
> > Linux.  How could I have forgotten?  I also reviewed the discussion on
> > the list.  There are troubles with MDI under windows too.  Apparently,
> > not all controls work.  Ed is this still true.
> MDI works under all platforms: Win, Lin, and Mac. It behaves differently on
> each platform, however.
> Win:
> The main form with a common menu, tool bar, status bar, and management for
> the child forms. Child windows maximize to the main form, or float inside
> the main form.
> Mac:
> The main form isn't visible, but it represents the app. Child forms are
> what you see on screen, in a SDI interface. If you close all forms, the app
> still runs and if the menu of the main form has menu items for launching
> forms, you can do so. Only when the main form is closed will the app exit.
> Lin:
> The main form is a pageframe control, and child forms are pages. It is a
> silly interface and shouldn't be used, but last I checked it did work.
> For my app, I set MDI to True for Windows and Mac, and False for Linux.
> This makes the forms behave how I believe users expect them to.
> I may expose that as a preference setting though, as I could see SDI
> seeming simpler for some of my users.
> Paul

I confirm the problem on Linux.  It seems I have been down this road in the 
past.  I guess I don't learn.  I have always want to provide the MDI (as an 
option) but I realized it did not work on Linux.  That is why our current app 
is SDI.  


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