On Tuesday 15 September 2009 4:07:15 pm Jeff Johnson wrote:
> Adrian:  See in line notes below:
> Adrian Klaver wrote:
> > On Tuesday 15 September 2009 3:24:44 pm Jeff Johnson wrote:
> >> John:
> >>
> >> "Could not make connection to database" with no traceback.
> >
> > Seemed to me from your first report that the connection did not have the
> > name of the database. This looks like one of those step by step things.
> >
> > 1) Can you make a connection to the MsSQL Server via other means from the
> > computer the Dabo app is running on ?
> Yes.  Enterprise Manager and VFP ODBC.
> > 2) Does the connection (cnxml) file db information look correct?
> Yes and it works in the connection editor
> > 3) How are passing the connection information into your hand coded app ?
> app.dbConnection = app.getConnectionByName("SanDC MsSQL")

Is there a app.addConnectFile() somewhere before this?

> > 4) Is there a way to log the connection attempts on the MsSQL Server and
> > see if they are even being attempted and if so if there any errors in the
> > logs ?
> I will look.
> Thanks,

Adrian Klaver

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