Roger Gammans wrote:

> def setColExpand(self, expand, colNum, proportion=0):
>       """ Sets the 'growable' status of one or more columns.  """
>       # If the colNum argument was passed first, switch it
>       # with the 
>       # expand argument
>       if isinstance(expand, basestring):
>               expand, colNum = colNum, expand
>       if isinstance(colNum, (list, tuple)):
>               for col in colNum:
>                       self.setColExpand(expand, col, proportion) 
>       elif isinstance(colNum, basestring):
>               if colNum.lower() == "all":
>                       for col in xrange(self.HighCol+1):
>                               self.setColExpand(expand, col, proportion)
>               else:
>                       raise ValueError( _("Invalid value passed for 'colNum' 
> parameter: '%s'. Only column numbers or the word 'all' are valid.") % colNum)
>       else:
>               curr = self.getColExpand(colNum)
>               self._colExpandState[colNum] = expand
>               if expand and not curr:
>                       self.AddGrowableCol(colNum, proportion=proportion)
>               elif not expand and curr:
>                       self.RemoveGrowableCol(colNum)
>       self.layout()
> My personal view is the first isinstance() eg, the test for tuple or
> list is exactly what the article is complaining about. What you seem
> to be trying to detect there is wether the colNum provides the 
> iteration interface, (eg.  the __iter__() method) a client application
> my so some reason use a custom opbject to store the columns.

True, we want to know if it is a sequence.

> The tests for string are much more reasonable IMHO, although they 
> have there own issues with python3 (which has no basestring defined),
> because there you really are testing for what an object is. 

We want to know if the object can store string data.

> It is a difficult issue, and isinstance is a easy crutch to fall
> into using , and I'm sure parts of my own code suffer from this 
> as well.

Patches are welcome! :)


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