On Monday 26 October 2009 06:23:25 am Ed Leafe wrote:
> try:
>         myBiz.validateUserInput(val)
> except dException.BusinessRuleViolation, e:
>         dabo.ui.stop("Invalid entry: %s" % e)
>         It's a much more Pythonic approach, and keeps the UI separate from
>   the bizobj layer logic

I have often wondered just how Form.validateField() actually worked and the 
thinking behind it.   I think it only works at the save().  

So could you explain how it's suppose to be done in code.

Also many of us are looking for something like your "validateUserInput(val)" 
at the time of lostFocus (or a when()).  For example I discovered that my 
client was entering a string ('250') into a dDateTextBox by accident and it 
was not being caught until it created a real problem (backend error).  I at 
first added the field to the bizObj.validateRecord.  But the client did not 
like the fact that the system did not immediately warn them after leaving the 
control.  I then added a lostFocus routine.  

Is there a simple way to add validation at the UI level?  Or tell me the 
thinking behind not having any validation (that I'm aware of) at the UI 

Thanks in advance


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