On Feb 18, 2010, at 11:49 PM, johnf wrote:

>> - how to echo the sql used by dabo ?
> There are several ways to retrieve the sql statement.
> self.bizobjName.CurrentSQL
> .getSQL()
> self.bizobjName.UserSQL

        Actually, only the first is correct. The seconds will get the code that 
SQL Builder will create, while the third will get the explicit SQL that the 
user set. biz.CurrentSQL will determine which of those two will be used when 
the bizobj is requeried.

>> - In the "step-by-step" guide it seems there is a parent-child relationship; 
>> why there is no use of LinkField attribute ?
>> In the example shown in "Using the data environment part 2" you have used it 
>> for creating a parent child relationship.

        I'm not sure where in that doc you're looking, and I don't have access 
to it right now. Can you tell me what section that is in?

-- Ed Leafe

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