On Mar 1, 2010, at 2:32 PM, John wrote:

> I have need to access tables via views.  The views are insert-able, and 
> update-able, etc..  But they lack a way to retrieve the last PK (current pk 
> after an insert).  Accessing the tables directly violates the way the company 
> wants insert,update, etc.. to work.   The views do all the work - getting the 
> info into the correct tables etc.  So it is in my best interest to use the 
> views.

        For new records, you'll have to cook up something like running an 
auxiliary query to get the key. IOW, after an insert, open the view again in a 
temp cursor, and then locate the record that matches your newly-added record. 
Get the PK from that, close the temp cursor, and then update your local cursor 
with the PK for the new record.

-- Ed Leafe

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